How long do goldfish live?. It’s a great question with a surprising answer. The average of good fish lives for 5to 10 years. Their lifespan depends upon how you look after them and how they are living. If a goldfish live in poor condition will die before its life because goldfish require more attention. If goldfish live in good condition and look after properly will live 10more other. They can live 45years.
How long do goldfish live
Conditions Expected Lifespan
Goldfish bowl Less than 2 months
Small tank with poor care 2 to 6 months
Small tank with good care 6 months to 2 years
Reasonable size tank with poor care 6 months to 2 years
Affordable size tank with good care 2 to 5 years
A large tank with poor care 2 to 5 years
A large tank with good care 4 to 8 years
A large tank with excellent care 6 to 10 years
Large tank, excellent care, and good genes 10 years +
when we talk about How long do goldfish live? You’ll notice that tank size is significant.
A goldfish that lives in a small tank will probably only live about the same amount of time as a goldfish that receives worse care but lives in a larger tank.
Up to a point, a larger tank will compensate for less than ideal care.
How to make goldfish live a long time
The best way to make your goldfish live a long time is to provide a large tank and care for them well.
if you want to give a long life to your goldfish, you should:
- Keep your goldfish in a big tank
- Use the right kind of filter
- Make sure the tank is cycled
- Keep your eye on the water quality
- Feed your goldfish a healthy diet
- Feed your goldfish the right amount
We recommend reading our article on why goldfish die. It will help you to understand the reasons goldfish often don’t live a long time.
Of course, good care isn’t the only factor in making your goldfish live a long time. The genetics of a goldfish also have a big part to play.
Now that you hopefully have a good general understanding of how long goldfish live,
The lifespan of different goldfish types
How long do Common, Comet, and Shubunkin Goldfish Live?
A Shubunkin goldfish can live for a very long time
They need, and they also require, more space than fancy goldfish, but given enough room in a vast tank or pond, they can live for well over 10 years.
What is the Lifespan of Fancy Goldfish?

Fancy goldfish tend to live shorter lives than slim-bodied goldfish.
How goldfish lifespan is affected by water volume
The bigger your tank or pond, the more likely your fish will live a long time.
This is because you are more likely to maintain good water quality and stable water parameters in a large body of water.
Larger tanks and ponds are also more likely to be well cycled and have more oxygen in the water. All of this can significantly increase your goldfish’s chance of living a long life.
Some Question Related to Goldfish Live
- How long do goldfish live in a bag?
How long can goldfish live and stay healthy in a bag? It depends on the bad and quality when you order a goldfish online and ship it. The goldfish survive in a bag.
Stores use special packaging and ‘breather bags’ to make this possible.
- How long do goldfish live in a bowl?
It’s implausible that a goldfish will live for more than a few months in a goldfish bowl. Assuming the bowl is small and unfiltered – like most goldfish bowls – a goldfish would be doing exceptionally well to make it to one year in such poor conditions.
- How long do goldfish live in a pond?
A pond is an ideal place for goldfish to live a long time. Ponds offer a large water volume and an enormous surface area, which is excellent for getting lots of oxygen into the water.
There is no reason why your goldfish shouldn’t survive for over 10 years, potentially 20 years or more, in a pond.
- How long do goldfish live in a pond?
A pond is a traditional and ideal place for goldfish to live a long time. Ponds offer a large water volume and an enormous surface area, which is excellent for getting lots of oxygen into the water.
There is no reason why your goldfish shouldn’t survive for over 10 years, potentially 20 years or more, in a pond.
- How long can goldfish survive without food or water?
Goldfish need food and water.
A goldfish that has no access to food will eventually die of starvation. In contrast, goldfish out of water will suffocate in a short space of time.
You will show when you know How long do goldfish live without water and food.
However, you may be shocked when you come to just how long goldfish can live without food or water. Goldfish live a few weeks without water and food, but we never recommend doing with your goldfish. When you go on a trip, do not put more food because it will be overfeeding.
Automated feeders, or well-meaning pet-sitters who don’t know better, often feed goldfish too much.
How Long do Goldfish Live out of Water?
For obvious reasons, water is pretty essential to goldfish! As you would expect, a goldfish out of water will not survive very long.
However, if you’ve assumed they would die within seconds or minutes – you may be surprised.
A goldfish can live without water for about 1 hour or a little bit more.
How long do goldfish live? It mostly depends on you. It depends on how long you want your goldfish to live. How much you give care goldfish live long.